This monday was a bit different than my past sabbaths. Since it was Memorial Day, my girlfriend and I went up to Columbus for a day away and also to meet one of her best friends from college. Since this was happening, I took it into high consideration to break my sabbath using this trip as an excuse. I was tempted to use hair stuff so I looked nice and to turn the radio on because it was a 4 hour trip there and back. I did turn on the cd player to listen to one song - but it was a special moment.
I actually forgot on my way to pick her up that it was sabbath day and had the cd player on for a good 25 minutes (she lives 40 minutes away). So Tuesday, I left the system off for the whole day. On the way home ALPHA at church, I realized that I should probably pray since that's kind of the point. So I prayed for a couple of kids that I "mentor" and it was great and deep, and then I prayed for some coworkers and wow. I got this detailed vision of a scenario and I started to get a bit misty. It was true sweetness. So I sent the person an e-mail immediately describing what God showed me. Splendid.
Learn to sabbath. Opening time opens your heart, mind and soul.
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