I had an interesting revelation tonight while riding with Kris. It was nothing groundbreaking or anything innovative but a rather common thing.
I was thinking about Moses when he was in the cave and God was telling him that he would go to Pharaoh to command God's people be freed. Of course Moses totally dodged it and thought God had the wrong guy because he stuttered when he spoke.
I've always identified myself with Moses and where I am now - leading worship. When I'm around people, I freeze up/shut down and pretend to be doing something the whole time to avoid conversation and talking in general. My freshman year of college, I think I said 4 words. So I find it weird that God chose me to get up and sing and lead in front of people. Moses went on to free God's people, write some books that ended up in the Bible and changed history - all because God called Moses to overcome his weakness. And I believe that throughout his life, Moses found strength in his weaknesses.
That's the way our God works - in a beautiful contrast. It's His thumbprint, His copyright, His design, His creation, His workmanship. He chose scrawny little David to defeat 9'11" Goliath. He chose Peter, who denied following Jesus 3 times in a row to be the "rock" of the church. He chose Abraham to be a "Father of many nations" when his wife was barren. He chose to save us by becoming us, humanizing Himself in ultimate vulnerability. And He did it with strength and valor. He rids darkness with light. This is His M.O.
God is an artist as much as he is a warrior. He is a forgiving God, but carries out His wrath and vengeance. He gives us strength in our weakness. He died so we could live. This is how I see God in my everyday life.
This is our God.
nice usage of M.O.
Cool post
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